Wavsnd (application updated 3 October, 2004)
I wrote this application to convert between PCM wave files and MPC3000 format snd files. The MPC60 with 3.10 OS and MPC2000 can read these .snd files also.
1. Any Win32 Platform (Win9x, Me, 2k, XP)
2. You may need the latest VB runtime files from Microsoft. This is
a free download available from here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/release.asp?releaseid=12704
If you get an error with something like "Can't find MSVB...." that
means you need the above.
Double-clicking on the wavsnd.exe gives the following message:
This application converts 16-bit PCM wave files to MPC3000 format. The MPC60 with 3.x OS and the MPC2000 can read these SND files. It also converts MPC2000/MPC3000 SND files to 16-bit PCM wave format.
Operation: In explorer, drag and drop WAV and/or SND files onto Wavsnd.exe. You can also select multiple files to do batch conversion. The optimal method is to right-click a SND file in explorer and select Open With, Choose Program, browse to this application and select OK. This creates an assocation between SND and this application so it will be available from the right-click.
Copyright 2004 Mike Goins
Questions, suggestions welcome. Address in the popup.
Download Wavsnd.zip (9 kb)
3 Oct 2004 (v1.0.40): Made the file parsing more robust. Absence of spaces
in path is no longer a requirement.